⚠️   Shopify Scripts will no longer be supported as of August 13, 2025  ⚠️   read the Shopify article 

How to generate a Delivery Function with SupaEasy

The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. For Shopify merchants, adapting to these new trends is essential to ensure long-term success. A significant forthcoming shift is the deprecation of Shopify Scripts, as of August 28, 2025, these scripts will cease to be supported, marking a clear move towards Shopify Functions. But don’t fret, we’ll be here with you every step of the way to make the migration smooth. Keep reading this article to discover how to generate a Delivery Function!

Meet SupaEasy, your migration ally

Migrating from Legacy Scripts to Shopify Functions may appear daunting, but SupaEasy offers a seamless solution. With SupaEasy, you can effortlessly generate custom discounts, shipping and payment functions without any coding. You can use the Migrator, simply paste the script and copy the function it generates for your Shopify store. You can also access the advanced tools, such as the AI Functions Generator which simplifies the process by allowing you to describe your requirements and generating the function for you.

How to generate a Delivery Function with SupaEasy

How to generate a Delivery Function with SupaEasy

Here’s a quick text-based guide:

  1. Choose the Function type: open the app and click on the “Shipping” button to start generating a new function; then select the campaign “conditionally hide rates”. 
  2. Name the campaign: e.g. Hide free Shipping for cart lower than 100
  3. Select cart qualifier: choose “cart/item/discount subtotal” and compile the form; then hide specific delivery options. 
  4. Activate Shipping Function: save the settings and then activate the functions to test it. 

SupaEasy Academy. For a visual walkthrough watch our dedicated video.

Why choose SupaEasy?

SupaEasy offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities designed to empower businesses of all sizes and technical expertise to leverage the full potential of Shopify Functions. Here’s why SupaEasy should be your go-to solution: 

1. Efficiency: SupaEasy‘s intuitive interface fosters a user-friendly environment, eliminating the need for coding knowledge. This translates into a streamlined process for creating and managing custom functions, allowing you to focus on core business activities.

2. Accessibility: SupaEasy prioritizes inclusivity, catering to users of all technical backgrounds. The intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to both seasoned developers and individuals with limited coding experience. This allows your team to take ownership and control over the functionality of your Shopify store.

3. Cost-effectiveness: in today’s economic climate, cost optimization is paramount. By leveraging SupaEasy‘s comprehensive features, you can significantly reduce dependence on external development resources. This translates into substantial cost savings, allowing you to invest those resources in other strategic areas of your business.


To conclude…

With SupaEasy, generating custom functions, such as the Delivery Function outlined in this guide, becomes an effortless task. From its intuitive interface to its accessibility for users of all technical backgrounds, SupaEasy empowers businesses to harness the full potential of Shopify Functions efficiently and cost-effectively. As you embark on this journey, remember that SupaEasy will be by your side, ensuring a smooth transition and empowering you to thrive in the dynamic world of e-commerce. 

So what are you waiting for? Install SupaEasy now!

SupaEasy is a product built & designed by Nextools


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